My background




Robotfruit, New York

Robotfruit, New York

Junior UI/UX Designer

Junior UI/UX Designer

Robotfruit allows business owners to create a mobile app for their business.

My focus was to optimise the user's experience when building their app.

2013 - 2015

2013 - 2015

2013 - 2015

Freelancer, Valencia, Spain

Freelancer, Valencia, Spain

Digital Designer

Digital Designer

Working in design as a freelancer, with my primary client being a business group in the restaurant and events sector.

I developed designs and websites enhancing their digital presence and other websites and marketing materials for various small businesses.

2015 - 2016

2015 - 2016

2015 - 2016

Barreira Art + Design School, Valencia, Spain

Barreira Art + Design School, Valencia, Spain

Digital Designer

Digital Designer

Barreira is an art and design private school offering a range of programmes from undergraduate studies, to master's degrees and specialised courses.

My role was to design and optimise the digital materials for specialised courses—including website pages, online marketing campaigns, and other marketing assets—to attract more students and boost alumni engagement.

2016 - 2017

2016 - 2017

2016 - 2017

WUGO app, London, UK

WUGO app, London, UK

UI/UX Designer

UI/UX Designer

WUGO was a dating app designed to differentiate itself by introducing an "icebreaker" feature, encouraging users to meet within 24 hours through a pre-scheduled activity.

I worked with the design team during the research phase and was responsible for developing the complete UI and UX, and finally delivering the app's first market-ready version.




Australian Smart Group, Canberra

Australian Smart Group, Canberra

Designer and Internal Product Manager

Designer and Internal Product Manager

ASG is an electrical contracting company specialising in renewable technology and smart building solutions.

Initially, I focused on enhancing their digital presence (website and digital marketing campaigns), also interactive applications.

Over time, my role evolved from design to a product manager for internal tools, increasing efficiency and optimising business processes.

2022 - Today

2022 - Today

2022 - Today

Freelancing, Valencia, Spain

Freelancing, Valencia, Spain

UI/UX Designer

UI/UX Designer

My main client is Cityscape Digital, a London-based digital agency offering services to property developers and related sectors.

I collaborate with their team with the UI/UX of interactive applications and immersive experiences.